GSMS Course Registration

All GSMS courses

Only GSMS PhD students (including BCN PhD students) can participate in these courses. Use your P-number to register (ask your Personnel Office).

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Course: Handling LifeLines data on the UMCG High Performance Cluster

In this course we would like to introduce the participants to the UMCG High Performance Cluster (HPC) and teach them ways of how to handle the phenotypic and (optionally) genotypic data of Lifelines on this cluster. The course will last three days (5 hours per day), where the first and the third day are optional.

The topics of the first day are

 (i)      Introduction to the UMCG HPC,

(ii)      How the cluster is set up,

(iii)     Short introduction in Unix, which is the language that is used on the cluster,

 (iv)    How to write and submit jobs that can be used to perform long-running and/or memory-intensive scripts.

Participants who are already acquainted with Unix or followed the Basic Peregrine course from the RuG can skip this day.


The topics of the second day, which is obligatory for everyone, are

(i)       The UMCG Genetics of Lifelines Initiative (UGLI)

(ii)      The Lifelines Code of Conduct: what are you allowed to do with the data?

(iii)     The Lifelines phenotypic data on the UMCG HPC


The topics of the third day are

(i)      The Lifelines genotype data on the UMCG HPC

(ii)     Genotype data from clinical cohorts

(iii)    Genetic data analyses on the UMCG HPC


The third day is optional. If you have no intention to work with the Lifelines genetic data, you can skip this day.





Level / assumed knowledge: No previous knowledge is required

Course coordinator

  • I.M. (Ilja) Nolte, PhD



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