GSMS Course Registration

All GSMS courses

Only GSMS PhD students (including BCN PhD students) can participate in these courses. Use your P-number to register (ask your Personnel Office).

For registration please go to Upcoming courses.

BCN Matlab for Neuroscientist

In this introductory course you will learn how Matlab can make your scientific life easier. The main focus will be on how to write your own small scripts and functions, and how to create your own figures (which should find their way in your publications), and how to build your own Graphical User Interface.  Towards the end of the course we will also touch the topic of object oriented programming.

The course will start with a online Matlab tutorial. Which you can go through at your own place and should give you a good initial understanding of Matlab. During the lectures/practicals you will be given exercises to train various Matlab skills and help will be available so that you can learn optimally from your mistakes.

EC (with exam)




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