GSMS Course Registration

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Only GSMS PhD students (including BCN PhD students) can participate in these courses. Use your P-number to register (ask your Personnel Office).

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Course: Quality-of-Life and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (QoL & PROMs)

Once per year, March-April

Objective: Students will learn to interpret, design and analyze health outcomes studies, learn the basics of PROMs, and critically review and use PROM data for clinical decision making and health care planning.

Learning outcomes: A broad insight on the various outcome measures that are used to measure health in individuals that receive health interventions, in particularly PROMs. Recognize the different types of PROMs measures used, including: clinical, health status, Qol, health-related QoL, and well-being. After completing the course, the student will have gained theoretical knowledge with, and practical experience regarding PROM measurement methods (descriptive, preference-based, item response theory) and measurement properties (reliability, validity, responsiveness).

Description: Attention will be paid to useful basic models for the conceptualization of QoL and health status, including Wilson & Cleary’s model of patient outcomes. Different approaches to the assessment of PROM will be discussed, including rating scales, descriptive questionnaires, and preference-based methods. Evaluate the usefulness of PROMs and the application of new PROM measurement methods in the field of health. Conceptually define the meaning and purpose of health outcomes research and its different areas. Understand the application of PROMs in epidemiologic studies, health economic evaluations and health policy.


You have to purchase the following book yourself before the course starts:
Krabbe PFM. The Measurement of Health and Health Status: Concepts, Methods and Applications from a Multidisciplinary Perspective. San Diego: Reed/Elsevier, Nov. 2016. [9780128015049]


Written exam

EC (with exam)


Course coordinator

  • Prof. Paul Krabbe



Target Groups

  • PhD students
  • ReMa students

Contact person

Renate Kroese,

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