
Teaching Training: How to supervise (FSE organized)

Course description


As a PhD candidate, supervising Bachelor or Master students during a project may be a part of your job. If not, you might have volunteered to supervise (in case you are a scholarship PhD student). The aim of this training is to develop competencies and skills to effectively supervise BSc and MSC students in the context of FSE and take part in the assessment procedure of the project.

Entry requirements, ECTS credits and completion 

In order to participate in this course, you need to start supervising in the semester you take the course (example: if you know you will supervise in block 2a or 2b, you can take the course that starts in 2a) OR you already have supervision experience. 

This course ‘How to supervise’ counts for your PhD training:

Employed PhD students who are supervising as part of their job get 1 ECTS credits for completing this course.
Scholarship PhD students do not supervise as part of their job. When taking this course, you can combine it with voluntary supervision (contact your supervisor for more information). Completion of the course combined with the voluntary supervision is rewarded with 1+3 ECTS.

To be able to participate in the training, you are expected to have a good command of English in order to present and carry out discussions with your peers. 

Attendance of the workshops is mandatory. You can only miss one workshop (in that case, you have to complete an alternative assignment) in order to be able to receive the certificate of completion.

Timeframe and planning

The course runs twice a year, starting in block 2a and 2b respectively. 

You can only take this course if you have concrete supervision plans. We apply all theory to your own situation as a supervisor. If you don’t have supervision duties coming up, you can follow the introduction to teaching course instead. This will give you a broad introduction into teaching and supervising at the university level. 

Course objectives

After this course, the PhD student is able to…

support the BSc/MSc student to develop their skills as a researcher.
align mutual expectations between the BSc/MSc student and themselves
adapt their supervision style to the level and personality of the student(s) and to the stage of the research project.
Formulate constructive feedback to increase the quality of learning.
Use assessment rubrics to grade student work reliably and transparently.
Find solutions for the challenges facing them using their resources, evidence and peer collaboration.

Eventually, the PhD student is able to act as a (daily) supervisor for BSc/MSc students in an effective way.



Available methods of payment

  • Free

Register for this course

Edition Startdate Price Available seats
How to Supervise - Block 2B 2023-2024 April 18, 2024 free register for waiting list (when available)

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